Kurzinformation zu Betreuung und Vorsorgevollmacht (englisch)
Accidents, illness or old age can impair an adult’s capacity to deal with important matters. Spouses and registered partners can only represent each other in healthcare matters under certain conditions and for no longer than six months. Children and other relatives have no statutory right of representation at all. German law has made a range of provisions to ensure that your interests are safeguarded and your affairs are taken care of should your health become seriously impaired.
Accidents, illness or old age can impair an adult’s
capacity to deal with important matters. Spouses
and registered partners can only represent each
other in healthcare matters under certain conditions
and for no longer than six months. Children
and other relatives have no statutory right of
representation at all. German law has made a range
of provisions to ensure that your interests are
safeguarded and your affairs are taken care of should
your health become seriously impaired.
Herausgeber: Ministerium der Justiz und für Migration
Publikationsart: Flyer